With the stock market reaching new all time highs, you are probably wondering if it is a good time to be in stocks. That is certainly a great question, the answer to which is surprisingly simple: there is almost always a good time to be in stocks if you know which ones to buy and when.
The "almost" qualifier has to do with those times when the general stock market is going through one of its bearish phases that happen every 8-10 years, although smaller corrections dependent upon global developments can happen at any time too. Those, however, should be used as an opportunity to buy. Some recent examples of such circumstances are the Russian financial debacle of 1998 or the Asian crisis of 1997.
Buying stocks when the economy is about to enter a recession period is one of the worst times to enter the stock market. It is advisable to wait 18-24 months after the recent peak in the stock indices to buy into stocks. .[Read full article]
The "almost" qualifier has to do with those times when the general stock market is going through one of its bearish phases that happen every 8-10 years, although smaller corrections dependent upon global developments can happen at any time too. Those, however, should be used as an opportunity to buy. Some recent examples of such circumstances are the Russian financial debacle of 1998 or the Asian crisis of 1997.
Buying stocks when the economy is about to enter a recession period is one of the worst times to enter the stock market. It is advisable to wait 18-24 months after the recent peak in the stock indices to buy into stocks. .[Read full article]
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