Thursday, June 14, 2007

Clear Your Mind And Increase Your Profits

By: Stephen Cauldry

Everyday life has a way of revealing a better understanding of your most puzzling problems. Early on in my stock trading career, I struggled with producing consistent profits. So much that, I decided to get away for a while and put my mind at ease. I went to New York City. I needed a break from the mental frustration of experiencing so many losses. All of this will make more sense soon enough, so just bear with me.

New York is incredible. There are people everywhere you look. I grew up in an urban area but it was nothing quite like this. All five of your senses immediately come alive. As I walked, more like zigzagged, down the street I could here the faint sounds of music playing in the distance. I absolutely love music, especially live shows performances. I was curious so I followed my ear. The closer I got to the source of the music, the more I noticed how many other people were moving in the same direction. It was if we were all being funneled down the sidewalk. A smaller number of people were headed in the opposite direction.

The sound and clarity of the music increased with every step I took, as was the size of the crowd moving with me. Eventually, I arrived at the source of the melodic commotion. A live band was performing and hundreds had gathered to watch the show. I couldn't see a thing! I remember saying, I should have gotten here earlier. The light bulb in my head shattered into a thousand pieces! Stock trading manna had fallen from the sky. It all made perfect sense now.

[Read full article]

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